Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a non-drug treatment for insomnia that focuses on identifying and changing negative thoughts and behaviors that can contribute to sleep difficulties. In this article, we will discuss the components of CBT-I, how it works, and its effectiveness as a treatment for insomnia.

Components of CBT-I

How CBT-I Works

CBT-I works by addressing the underlying thoughts, behaviors, and habits that contribute to insomnia. By changing these factors, individuals can improve the quality and quantity of their sleep. For example, stimulus control therapy helps individuals associate their bed with sleep, which can improve the quality of their sleep. Cognitive therapy helps individuals identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about sleep, which can reduce anxiety and stress around sleep.

Effectiveness of CBT-I

CBT-I has been shown to be an effective treatment for insomnia. Studies have found that CBT-I can improve sleep quality and reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. It has also been shown to be more effective than medication in the long term, with fewer side effects. CBT-I can be administered by a licensed therapist, or through self-help programs, such as online modules or books.

Also see

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