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Dizziness is a common sensation that can be described as a feeling of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, or vertigo. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including dehydration, medication side effects, ear infections, and neurological disorders.


Importance tips of Dizziness

Depiction of a person feeling dizzy
  • Diagnosing the cause of dizziness can be challenging because it can be caused by such a wide range of factors. Doctors will typically perform a physical exam, take a detailed medical history, and may order tests such as blood work or imaging scans.
  • Treatment for dizziness will depend on the underlying cause. For example, dehydration can be treated with fluids, while medication side effects may require a change in medication. Inner ear problems may require specific exercises or surgery, while anxiety may be treated with therapy or medication.
  • Preventing dizziness can also be challenging, but there are some steps people can take to reduce their risk. Staying hydrated, avoiding rapid changes in position, and minimizing alcohol consumption can all help reduce the risk of dizziness.

Also see

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