Does smoking cause weight loss

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Smoking is often associated with weight loss, as some people may experience a decrease in appetite or metabolic changes that lead to weight loss. However, the long-term effects of smoking on weight and overall health are negative, and smoking should not be used as a weight loss strategy.

How Smoking is Thought to Affect Weight

  • Smoking is thought to affect weight in several ways. Nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes, can suppress appetite and increase metabolism, leading to decreased calorie intake and increased calorie burning. Additionally, smoking may affect taste and smell, leading to reduced enjoyment of food and potentially decreased calorie intake.
  • However, the long-term effects of smoking on health, including an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness, far outweigh any potential short-term weight loss benefits.

Research on Smoking and Weight

  • While smoking may lead to short-term weight loss in some individuals, the long-term effects on weight and overall health are negative. A 2019 review of several studies on smoking and weight found that while smoking may lead to short-term weight loss, it is associated with weight gain over time, particularly in women.
  • Additionally, smoking is associated with an increased risk of several health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness, which can have negative impacts on overall health and well-being.

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