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Endocrinologist‏‎ Endocrinologists are physicians who specialize in the [[[diagnosis]] and treatment of hormone diseases. Hormones are chemical messengers generated by the endocrine glands that govern a variety of biological activities, including as growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive health. Endocrinologists diagnose and treat conditions associated with the endocrine system, which consists of glands and organs that create and emit hormones.

Education and Training

Endocrinologists are physicians who have completed four years of medical school and an internal medicine or pediatrics residency. After finishing their residency, students must complete an additional two to three years of specialized training in endocrinology. Some endocrinologists choose for additional training in a specialism, such as diabetes, reproductive endocrinology, or thyroid problems.

Conditions Considered

Diagnostic Tests

‏‎Endocrinologists are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hormone diseases. Hormones are chemical messengers generated by the endocrine glands that govern a variety of biological activities, including as growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive health. Endocrinologists diagnose and treat conditions associated with the endocrine system, which consists of glands and organs that create and emit hormones.


  • Depending on the exact problem, hormonal abnormalities may be treated with medication, lifestyle modifications, surgery, or a combination of these methods. Endocrinologists collaborate with primary care physicians and surgeons to provide a complete treatment plan.
  • Endocrinologists have a role in preventative care, including screening for early indicators of hormone imbalances and advising on healthy lifestyle habits, in addition to treating hormonal problems.Endocrinologists utilize a range of diagnostic techniques to assess hormone function and diagnose hormonal diseases.
  • Blood tests To determinehormone concentrations in the blood.
  • Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are used to see the glands and organs of the endocrine system.
  • To obtain a tissue sample from an endocrine gland for examination under a microscope.

Also see

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