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A filling is a dental restorative used to heal tooth damage caused by tooth decay or other forms of tooth damage. The filling is commonly composed of composite resin, amalgam, or gold and is used to fill the void left by the removal of decaying or damaged tooth tissue.

Types of Restorations

  • There are several types of fillings, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. These are some of the most popular forms of fillings:
  • Composite resin: Composite resin fillings are created from a blend of plastic and glass, and their color can be matched to that of the natural teeth. They are typically utilized to restore the front teeth or other noticeable teeth, however they may not be as durable as conventional fillings.
  • Amalgam: Silver, mercury, tin, and copper are included into amalgam fillings. Due to concerns about the safety of mercury in dental fillings, they are used less often nowadays despite their durability and longevity.
  • Gold: Gold fillings are comprised of a combination of gold and other metals and are extremely sturdy and long-lasting. They are more costly than other types of fillings and may need many dental appointments.
  • Ceramic: fillings are composed of porcelain or other ceramic materials and are extremely resilient and long-lasting. In addition, they are very resistant to discoloration and may be matched to the natural color of the teeth.


  • Typically, the placement of a filling entails the following steps:
  • A local anesthetic will be used to numb the region surrounding the tooth to prevent pain during the surgery.
  • Using a drill or laser, the dentist will remove the decaying or damaged portion of the tooth.
  • The dentist will clean the region in order to eliminate any leftover dirt or bacteria.
  • The dentist will insert the filling material into the tooth's cavity and shape it to match the tooth's natural contour.
  • The dentist will polish the filling to eliminate any rough places and ensure appropriate fit.

Maintenance and Care

To preserve a filling and prevent additional decay, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing once each day. Also, regular dental exams and cleanings can aid in the early detection and treatment of any new cavities or other dental issues.

Also see

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