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FSH, also known as follicle-stimulating hormone, is a hormone that the pituitary gland in the brain produces and releases. FSH is crucial for the growth and maturation of male and female sperm as well as eggs in the reproductive system.


  • Roles In females, ovarian follicles—which house immature eggs—are stimulated in growth and development by FSH. Another crucial hormone for the reproductive system, estrogen, is also produced as a result of FSH. When the follicles develop, estrogen is released into the bloodstream, aiding in uterine preparation for a prospective pregnancy.
  • FSH aids in promoting sperm production in the testes of males. To control the synthesis of testosterone, which is essential for the growth and maintenance of male reproductive organs and secondary sex traits, FSH collaborates with luteinizing hormone (LH), another hormone made by the pituitary gland.


FSH levels that are abnormal can be a sign of a number of reproductive problems, including testicular dysfunction in men and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women. Females with high FSH levels may not have healthy ovaries, whereas those with low FSH levels may have anovulation or other reproductive issues. Low FSH levels can signify hypogonadism in men, whereas high levels can signify testicular failure.


A blood test that measures FSH levels can be used to identify reproductive abnormalities and track the effectiveness of fertility therapies like in vitro fertilization (IVF). FSH levels can change over the course of the menstrual cycle and may be influenced by things like stress, age, and medication use. As a result, testing may need to be repeated to ensure accuracy.

Also see

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