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A broad class of creatures known as fungi includes yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. They can be found in many different settings, including soil, water, and decomposing organic materials. While certain fungi are helpful and serve vital roles in the cycling of nutrients and the health of ecosystems, others can infect plants, animals, and people with diseases.

Structure and qualities

  • When it comes to their cellular makeup and mode of nourishment, fungi are different from both plants and animals. Because they lack chlorophyll, fungi cannot manufacture their own food through photosynthesis like plants can. Instead, they collect nutrients from their surroundings in the form of organic debris. The distinctive cell wall of fungi is composed of the carbohydrate chitin, which offers structural support.
  • Several species of fungi can alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction depending on the surrounding environment. Mycorrhizal fungi, which create symbiotic interactions with plant roots, are an example of how fungi can collaborate in mutualistic ways with other living things.

Environmental roles

  • In the cycle of nutrients and the operation of ecosystems, fungi play significant functions. They are important organic matter decomposers, dissolving dead plant and animal debris and returning nutrients to the soil. Mycorrhizal fungi, which create symbiotic associations with plant roots and aid in improving nutrient intake by plants, are one example of how fungi interact in mutualistic ways with other creatures.
  • Fungi play important ecological responsibilities, but they also have useful uses in biotechnology, medicine, and food production. Some fungus species are utilized to make antibiotics, while others are employed in the fermentation of bread, beer, and wine.

Health considerations

Many fungi are useful or innocuous, but some of them can infect people, animals, and plants with diseases. Human fungi infections can range from minor skin infections to fatal systemic infections, especially in those with compromised immune systems. Certain fungal toxins can be harmful to people's health if they are ingested through contaminated food or drink.

Also see

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