How to break weight loss plateau

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  • A weight loss plateau is a common experience for many people who are trying to lose weight. It occurs when weight loss stops or slows down, despite continuing with a healthy diet and exercise routine. Breaking a weight loss plateau can be challenging, but there are several strategies that may help.
  • Adjust calorie intake: If weight loss has plateaued, it may be necessary to adjust calorie intake. Decreasing calorie intake by a small amount, such as 100-200 calories per day, can help jumpstart weight loss again.
  • Increase physical activity: Increasing physical activity, such as adding more steps to a daily routine or increasing the intensity of workouts, can help burn more calories and break through a weight loss plateau.
  • Try new exercises: Adding new exercises or changing up a workout routine can help prevent boredom and challenge the body in new ways, potentially breaking through a weight loss plateau.
  • Check portion sizes: It's important to ensure portion sizes are appropriate and consistent. Measuring food and using smaller plates can help control portion sizes and avoid overeating.
  • Track food intake: Keeping track of food intake, either through a food journal or an app, can help identify areas where calories may be sneaking in or where adjustments can be made.
  • Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for weight loss and metabolism. Lack of sleep can contribute to a weight loss plateau, so aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night may be helpful.
  • Reduce stress: High stress levels can impact weight loss efforts. Finding ways to manage stress, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help support weight loss efforts and potentially break through a plateau.
  • It's important to remember that weight loss plateaus are a normal part of the weight loss journey, and patience and persistence are key. By making small adjustments and staying consistent with healthy habits, weight loss can continue to progress.

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