How to calculate percentage of weight loss

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  • To calculate the percentage of weight loss, you need to know your starting weight and your current weight.
  • Subtract your current weight from your starting weight. For example, if your starting weight was 200 pounds and your current weight is 180 pounds, the difference is 20 pounds (200 - 180 = 20).
  • Divide the difference by your starting weight. In the example above, divide 20 by 200 to get 0.10 (20 / 200 = 0.10).
  • Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. In the example above, multiply 0.10 by 100 to get 10% (0.10 x 100 = 10%).
  • Therefore, if you started at 200 pounds and lost 20 pounds, your weight loss percentage would be 10%. This calculation can be helpful to track progress and set goals for weight loss.

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