Saturated and trans fats

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Saturated and trans fats are types of dietary fat that can have negative effects on health when consumed in excess. Both types of fats are commonly found in many foods, including meat, dairy, and processed foods.
  • In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of saturated and trans fats, including their effects on health, dietary sources, and recommendations for consumption.

Saturated fats

  • Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are typically found in animal-based foods such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Saturated fats have been shown to raise levels of ldl (bad) cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Foods that are high in saturated fats include:
  • Red meat
  • Full-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter
  • Coconut oil and palm oil
  • Processed foods, such as baked goods and fried foods
  • The american heart association recommends that saturated fat intake should be limited to less than 5-6% of daily caloric intake. To reduce saturated fat intake, it is recommended to choose lean cuts of meat, limit full-fat dairy products, and choose oils that are high in unsaturated fats, such as olive oil or canola oil.
  • Trans fats
  • Trans fats are made by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils, which turns them into a solid form. This process, called hydrogenation, increases the shelf life of processed foods and is commonly used in many baked goods, fried foods, and snack foods. Trans fats have been shown to increase levels of ldl cholesterol and decrease levels of hdl (good) cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

Foods that are high in trans fats include

  • Fried foods, such as french fries and fried chicken
  • Baked goods, such as cookies and pastries
  • Margarine and other spreads
  • Due to their negative health effects, many health organizations recommend avoiding trans fats altogether. The fda has banned the use of trans fats in most processed foods, but it is still important to check nutrition labels to ensure that you are not consuming any trans fats.

Also see

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