Foodborne illness

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Foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning, is a common public health issue caused by consuming contaminated food or water. The symptoms of foodborne illness can range from mild stomach upset to severe illness or even death. In this article, we will discuss the causes of foodborne illness, common types of foodborne pathogens, and steps that can be taken to prevent foodborne illness.

Causes of foodborne illness

  • Foodborne illness can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
  • Pathogens: Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi can contaminate food and cause illness.
  • Toxins: Certain types of bacteria produce toxins that can cause illness even if the bacteria are no longer present in the food.
  • Chemicals: Chemicals such as pesticides, heavy metals, and cleaning agents can contaminate food and cause illness.
  • Allergens: Allergic reactions to certain foods can cause symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening.
Food Safety Tips

Common types of foodborne pathogens

  • There are several types of foodborne pathogens that can cause illness, including:
  • Salmonella: A bacterium commonly found in eggs, poultry, and dairy products.
  • E. coli: A bacterium found in undercooked ground beef and contaminated produce.
  • Listeria: A bacterium found in deli meats, soft cheeses, and unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Norovirus: A virus that can be transmitted through contaminated food or water and causes stomach flu-like symptoms.

Prevention of foodborne illness

  • There are several steps that can be taken to prevent foodborne illness, including:
  • Practice good food hygiene: Wash hands and surfaces often, separate raw meat from other foods, cook food to the proper temperature, and refrigerate perishable food promptly.
  • Purchase food from reputable sources: Buy food from reputable suppliers and check for expiration dates.
  • Be aware of food recalls: Stay informed about food recalls and avoid consuming products that have been recalled.
  • Be cautious when eating out: Choose restaurants with good food hygiene practices and avoid undercooked or raw foods.
  • Be aware of food allergies: If you have a food allergy, be sure to inform your server or the food preparer.

Also see

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