How to use chia seeds for weight loss

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  • Chia seeds are a great addition to a weight loss diet due to their high fiber and protein content, as well as their ability to absorb water and expand in the stomach, helping to promote feelings of fullness. Here are some ways to use chia seeds for weight loss:
  • Add chia seeds to smoothies: You can blend chia seeds into your favorite smoothie for an added boost of fiber and protein.
  • Make chia pudding: Mix chia seeds with almond milk, vanilla extract, and a natural sweetener such as honey or maple syrup, and let the mixture sit in the fridge overnight for a delicious and nutritious chia pudding.
  • Sprinkle on top of salads or oatmeal: Adding chia seeds to salads or oatmeal can add a crunchy texture and boost the nutritional content of your meal.
  • Use as an egg substitute: Mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and let sit for 5 minutes to create a gel-like mixture that can be used as an egg substitute in baking recipes.
  • Make chia water: Mix chia seeds with water and a squeeze of lemon for a refreshing and hydrating drink that can also help promote feelings of fullness.

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