Causes of weight gain

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Causes of Weight Gain

Weight gain is a common problem for many people and can have a variety of causes. In some cases, it can be due to a medical condition, while in others, it can be the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. At W8MD Weight Loss, Sleep and MedSpa centers, we understand that there are a variety of factors that can contribute to weight gain and we work with patients to address these issues and develop a personalized weight loss plan.


Insulin resistance

Since W8MD's program is a pioneer in the nation to target the underlying insulin resistance which causes not only the gestational diabetes but also the weight gain, W8MD is uniquely positioned to help you deal with it and reduce the risk of diabetes. Our weight loss program is unique in many ways with a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to weight loss. The center’s team of practitioners are among the most qualified, dedicated and hospitable professionals in the industry.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can cause weight gain. These include hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), among others. These conditions can affect hormone levels and metabolism, which can make it difficult for the body to burn calories.

At W8MD, our experienced physicians can evaluate patients for these conditions and offer targeted treatments to help manage symptoms and achieve healthy weight loss.


Unhealthy Eating Habits

Eating habits can also contribute to weight gain. Consuming too many calories, particularly from unhealthy foods and drinks, can cause weight gain. Eating late at night or skipping meals can also lead to overeating or unhealthy snacking throughout the day.

At W8MD, we offer nutrition counseling to help patients learn how to make healthier food choices and develop habits that promote healthy weight loss.

Lack of Physical Activity

Physical activity is important for weight management. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain, particularly when combined with unhealthy eating habits. At W8MD, we help patients develop a personalized exercise plan to promote healthy weight loss.

Stress and Sleep Deprivation

Stress and sleep deprivation can also contribute to weight gain. When the body is under stress, it releases the hormone cortisol, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. Lack of sleep can also disrupt hormone levels and metabolism, which can make it harder for the body to burn calories.

At W8MD, we offer comprehensive services to address sleep disorders and help patients manage stress levels.


At W8MD Weight Loss, Sleep and MedSpa centers, we understand that weight gain can have many causes. Our experienced physicians and staff work with patients to identify the underlying causes of their weight gain and develop a personalized weight loss plan to help them achieve their goals. With a combination of medical treatment, nutrition counseling, exercise plans, and stress and sleep management, we can help patients achieve healthy weight loss and improve their overall health and well-being.

W8MD Weight Loss, Sleep & Medspa Centers

W8MD Weight Loss, Sleep & Medspa Centers is a network of medical centers located in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and surrounding areas that provide comprehensive care for weight loss, sleep disorders, and aesthetic treatments.

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W8MD location(s):

  1. Brooklyn, NY: NYC medical weight loss, sleep and medspa: 2632 E 21st St., Suite L2, Brooklyn, NY 11235 Contact: (718)946-5500